" Mental Health and Social Media "



Social media is a revolutionary platform on internet which drastically changed overall view of the world and has become an integral part of our society. Due to evolution and expansion of technology social media is becoming a vital tool for daily social interaction. The significance of social media in our world can be realized by the fact that nearly 2.65 Billion people on internet use this platform and this number is estimated to grow in upcoming years (Clement, 2019). Social media has brought a lot of benefits to our society however, social media has a considerable amount of negative impact on the youth. Social media has adversely affected the mental health of the teenagers and is turning them into antisocial generation.


 The social media make isolated many people , when people surf on the internet especially on Facebook, Instagram, tik tok, they do not have time to make friend, they are lockdown and solitary inside their room, student miss the time to review or to prepare their notes for the queen and examination, so they spent a lot of time on screen of their laptop and telephone. 


anterograde amnesia

 when user of the internet uses it long time and many days the light of the screen destroy the brain and it became very weak to memorize you can easily forget what you have learned a while ago. The distraction can lead to procrastination, less retention of information, and higher levels of stress. You may also experience feelings of exclusion, loneliness or anxiety when you see posts of others enjoying a good time.

Eyes heath

The user of the internet especially social media they spend a lot of time on the screen and the light destroy the eyes which can make them visually impaired in the the future.

Mental health of teen

 social networking sites have a negative effect on teens mental health as frequent use of these sites causes mental disorders such depression, anxiety and sleep deprivation. Although social media has enhanced our connectivity, it is also causing a decline in social and communication skills.


First, it is important to understand the risks of youth using social media and how depression develops when young people spend a great deal of time on social media. Although social media has benefits that allow teens to accomplish online tasks such as staying connected with friends and family, making new friends, sharing pictures, and exchanging ideas, there could be risks of peer-to-peer communication, inappropriate content, and lack of understanding of online privacy issues that can be detrimental to youth mental health


As technology is growing social media has become an imperative part of our society. Social media has proved to have both positive and negative impact on youth. However, social networking sites have a negative effect on teens mental health as frequent use of these sites causes mental disorders such depression, anxiety and sleep deprivation. Although social media has enhanced our connectivity, it is also causing a decline in social and communication skills. Due to excess use of social networking sites the quality of relationships has dramatically declined. Further, cyberbullying has also emerged as negative effect on social media which has increased rapidly in the past few years causing mental distress among teens.

